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Ep022: Recycle Reuse Record

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This week we've got a deep dive episode looking at the options to Recycle Reuse Record other content in your book.

We'll occasionally speak to people who want to turn a presentation, or series of blog posts into a book. While this can give your campaign a boost, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. In today's show we look at the pitfalls of recycling, the opportunities of reuse & the easiest way to record to create the most effective book.

Show Notes:

Wombat Selling Book
MoreCheeseLessWhiskers - Jamie Smart Episodes
Profit Activator Scorecard

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Reverse Conversation Engineering email

Do you know what "reverse engineering" means?

Here’s the definition of it:

Reverse engineering is taking apart an object to see how it works in order to duplicate or enhance the object.

Now watch this. Let’s replace the word “object” with the word “result”.

What happens is… now you have a method for coming up with solutions to most of your marketing problems.

That’s right!

First, you think of the result you want to get… and then… trace backwards all the steps needed to get there. All the way back to the beginning.

You start with the question, "What do I actually want to happen? What’s the end goal for me?"

For example... if you are a real estate agent the thing you want to happen is…

To be in a conversation, one on one, with somebody who’s thinking of selling their house.

How do you get there?

There’s only one way: Through the conversations that are already going on in your prospect’s mind.

For someone that is looking to sell their home… the conversations are probably going to be, "How much is my house worth specifically?”


"What should I do to fix it up?”, “What kind of repairs do I need to do and what can I leave alone?”


They might not even be ready to put the house on the market, but if they knew there’s a buyer for it they would happily sell.

Next thing you do is, you take those conversations... one by one... and find a specific, whisker-free solution for each.

So, instead of saying to potential home sellers, “Hey, if there’s anything I can do for you or any way I can help you, please feel free to reach out to me….”

You say...

“Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you right now:

A) I’ve got a pinpoint price analysis. I’ll show you exactly what your house would sell for compared to other houses on the market today.

B) I’ve got a room-by-room review booklet where I can go from the curb to closet, show you exactly what to do or not do to get your house ready to get top dollar.

C) I’ve got a silent market. I may be able to sell your house in as little as 24 hours without even putting it on the market.”

These are your cookies, matching word for word - almost exactly - to what your prospects are thinking about.

And here’s the best part: All three of these cookies, no matter which one the prospect asks for, all lead to the same next step.

They want a pinpoint price analysis? Perfect. “Let me pop over, I’ll take a look, see what your house is, and then prepare the report for you,”

They want a room-by-room review? Awesome! "Let me pop over. I’ll bring the room-by-room review booklet and we can go through your rooms and point out the things that you could and shouldn’t do to get your house ready to sell.”

They want to know about the silent market? Great! “Let me pop over. I’ll bring the details of people that are looking for a house just like yours.”

See how they all lead to the same thing?

No matter what cookie they pick… you end up in a conversation, one on one, with somebody about potentially helping them sell their house.

Exactly what you wanted in the first place.

I love reverse-engineering results.

Do you? :)


PS - I'm doing 5 small group masterminds over the summer in:


We're going to spend 3 days going deep in applying the 8 Profit Activators to your business.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this email and put your city in the subject line and I'll get you all the details!

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you hatch some Evil Schemes for YOUR business:

1. Be a guest on ""More Cheese. Less Whiskers.""

My favorite thing to do is hatch evil schemes and apply the 8 profit activators to all kinds of businesses. Big businesses, small businesses, professional services - Click Here.

2. Try the new Profit Activator Scorecard

The framework of everything we talk about on More Cheese, Less Whiskers is based on the 8 Profit Activators. Find out how they are either growing or slowing your business - Click Here.

3. Join our Email Mastery Academy and be a Case Study

I'm putting together a new email case study group at Email Mastery this month... stay tuned for details. If you'd like to work with me on your email sales process... just reply to this message and put ""Email Mastery"" in the subject line.

4. Work with me One-on-One

If you'd like to work directly with me to hatch some Evil Schemes for your business... just reply to this message and put ""One-on-One"" in the subject line... tell me a little about your business and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!


Transcript: Book More Show 022
